A message from Selectronic about their Accredited Integrator Program
You may have received an email from Selectronic informing you your Selectronic Integrator status will expire on 15th of December unless you successfully complete the integrator renewal Exam prior to 30th November.
SEIA Vic supports the Selectronic Integrator Program
This year SEIA Vic has managed to secure a Selectronic Integrator training session for SEIA members and guests. This session will focus on the exam content. At the conclusion of the session, you will have the opportunity to sit the test.
Event details:
Friday the 17th November.
Location Castlemaine (TBA)
Arrive time 9.30am
Start time 10.00am
Finish time 3.00pm
Catered morning tea and lunch
Cost $20 SEIA Vic Members $50 Non-Members
Bring cash on the day
Numbers are strictly limited so get in fast!
The original Selectronic Message
“Selectronic Accredited Integrator Renewal Exam
If your Selectronic Accredited Integrator status is due to expire on 15 December 2017.
The Selectronic Accredited Integrator (SAI) program is very well-respected in our industry. Accredited Integrators gain confidence in integration, have a greater understanding of applications for the product and can offer their clients the maximum 10-year warranty. These are distinct advantages when designing and selling Solar Hybrid and Off-Grid systems.
Renewal of your accreditation can now be achieved by passing our online multiple choice exam. There is no cost for this.
• You must achieve a minimum pass result of 90% (33 out of 36 questions)
• You have 2 chances to achieve the minimum pass result
• The exam must be completed by 30 November 2017
Some helpful resources can be found under the support section of our website: http://www.selectronic.com.au/support/
Below is a dropbox link to two large pdf files which were the presentation slides from this year’s SAI training.
Good luck and we look forward to keeping you within the elite ranks of our Selectronic Accredited Integrators!
Kind regards
Craig Hunter from the Training Team”